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Navigating The Farm Labor Shortage: Todd Miller Meets With Mexican Officials to Develop Solutions To Help Solve U.S. Agriculture Labor Shortage

Head Honchos LLC.

Updated: Feb 7, 2024

Navigating the Farm Labor Shortage ebook cover

With so much discussion in the news about businesses of every shape, size, and industry being strapped for labor, no industry is hit harder than the agriculture industry and America’s farms.

By special invitation from the VICE PRESIDENT of the MEXICAN REPUBLICAN SENATE, Todd Miller, founder and president of Head Honchos, met with the second most powerful man in Mexico, Senator Jose Narro Cespedes, in Mexico City to develop an agreement to help thousands of ready, willing, and able workers from MEXICO come to the United States as fully DOCUMENTED legal VISA workers.

No one knows where today’s workforce is hiding, BUT the facts are facts, and no one wants

to do manual labor anymore. Global franchises like DOMINO’S PIZZA are paying over $22 per HOUR to deliver pizzas. How can this be sustainable?

Head Honchos, LLC, based in San Antonio, TX, has a sparkling track record of helping workers from MEXICO, SOUTH AFRICA, and GUATEMALA gain legal and seasonal work

visas through the federal work visa program.

These workers are ready, willing, and able... and quite honestly, very excited for the chance of a lifetime to come into the United States and work for farmers for their PEAK season before returning to their home country. These workers are here to fill positions such as tractor drivers, truck drivers, produce workers, orchard laborers, and many jobs that local workers JUST WILL NOT DO.

To help American farmers navigate the complex process of legally bringing in workers, Todd recently released Navigating The Farm Labor Shortage. The book is a guide to help employers who can benefit by hiring legal and seasonal employees to work in the United States.

This is a WIN-WIN for both the farmer and the foreign workers.

Head Honchos helps workers obtain a legal work visa.

Head Honchos has twenty-two years of experience with this program and is ready to help! In addition, Todd is passionate about helping employers find workers and is available for interviews and media appearances. Contact us here to learn more.

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